Finally I finished my last Christmas present! Another Norwegian sweater in blue and off-white for Yannic. There is no problem blogging it before Christmas, because he sat the most time right next to me while I was knitting. Plus he chose the pattern for the sweater and from time to time he had to try it on. With the yarn left over I made a matching bonnet. It will also be a Christmas present but not for him.
Category: Sewing and Knitting
Norwegian sweater – knitting project plus add-on
I just wanted to show you my latest knitting project. A Norwegian sweater knitted with Fair Isle technique.
It was the first time I used this technique and in retrospect it sounds more complicated than it really is. I was surprised that I finished this sweater that fast (It took me only 4 weeks).
I always purchase one extra ball of each color just to be on the safe side, so had some wool left over and knitted a matching bonnet (the add-on) with the same pattern.
You can get the instructions for free from DROPS Design (drops design model no. 122-2), where you can find the patterns for the matching bonnet, gloves and collar too. You can directly purchase the needed wool on site at Lanade. I ordered exactly the wool and color used in the model, red, grey, and white.
- Norwegian sweater
- Norwegian sweater pattern
- Norwegian sweater start
- Sweater with bonnet
So I am ready for winter but let’s hope the summer stays a while longer.
My sewing and knitting experience
I can’t really say when I started sewing but I think I was about 6 years old when I made my first sewing item with the old sewing machine of my mom. I made little pouches to put lavender in.
Around this time my mom was rediscovering the joy of sewing. In the following years she was teaching me how to sew. Later I wanted to sew my own garments. I can’t remember it exactly but I think I started with a skirt. Just two side seams, an elastic around the waist, and I was done.