Another Norwegian sweater – Fair Isle Knitting

blue bonnet

Finally I finished my last Christmas present! Another Norwegian sweater in blue and off-white for Yannic. There is no problem blogging it before Christmas, because he sat the most time right next to me while I was knitting. Plus he chose the pattern for the sweater and from time to time he had to try it on. With the yarn left over I made a matching bonnet. It will also be a Christmas present but not for him.

As well as the other red Norwegian sweater I knitted this one with the Fair Isle Technique. It is easy to learn. When it comes to two color knitting it means having the one color on the left hand and the other color on the right hand. But there are a lot of explanations on the web (here’s the Wikipedia article about Fair Isle Technique). It is faster and easier to knit Fair Isle. It does not require any special knitting skills beyond the basic knit stitch. I can really recommend this technique when starting two color knitting, it results in to a nice and even front as well as a nice backside.

Just as the other sweater the instructions can be found at DROPS design (model DROPS Extra 0-809).

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About Katharina

Katharina is heavily addicted to sewing and knitting. Add huge multitasking abilities to that and you end up with half a pullover done after a standard lenght James Bond movie.