Hot sauce day

Hi Folks. Yesterday was hot sauce day – at least for us! Three hours and four habaneros (it really love those!) later we have a fresh stock of burning hot sauces!

This time I made a small trial on the fruity side and two more classical hot sauces. Continue reading

And here comes the starter

And there we are. Both of us sitting in front of the screen, thinking of what we can write down here. So much stuff, and no clue of how to start…

Both of us have big plans for this blog, even just listing the possible topics would probably exceed the scope of this post, so here just a short listing (be prepared for maaany things outside of this preview!):

  • Handcrafting
  • Cooking
  • Electronic DIY
  • Programming

We really hope that we’ll get a nice pace of fresh posts around here. Don’t put to high expectations on us, as it’s our first “real” blog. Our hope is that this strange mix of topics will result in Knitters and Sew-addicts learning some fancy electronic stuff (and vice-versa!). For our part we’ve learned that those worlds really get along very well. Our home is a great example; most of our equipement is somehow hacked, crafted or modified to suit our needs.

Here just a very small selection of what we’ve done within the past two years:

Enought for now. We hope that you’ll check our small corner of the WWW from time to time. We’ll do our best to keep it clean and up to date!

– Katharina & Yannic